Video share website Rapid Tube

Just Alien
4 min readFeb 5, 2021


Video Share

I remember the beginning of this century and videos in ridiculous resolutions for the current conditions and concepts. I also remember the first cameras on mobile phones, then known as VGA cameras and the WOW effect we experienced when we saw them. After that, the possibility of filming, even for just a few seconds, was something at least great, phenomenal, brutal in the vocabulary of today’s youth. I still remember the first videos I made, memories from high school. Only rare recordings, I don’t even know how by what madness or “magic” they survived all these years. Some I still like to look at and remember all those days, when life was much different than today. Few things remained the same. Today, everything is being filmed. Cameras are on all sides, flashes are shining and every moment, even those that might need to be enjoyed and just viewing are being filmed. Today, we are talking about some terms that were not very well known until 10–20 years ago. Frames, resolutions, it’s all so advanced that it’s a little intimidating. It is intimidating but also joyful because many memories stay much easier, faster and longer. Now there is talk of the number of frames per second (FPS), which does not mean much to the average user. Someone won’t get too excited if you tell them that the recording was made with 30 or 60 FPS. The situation is the same as video resolutions. From regular HD to Full HD we now come to the great, amazing, 2K, 4K. The impression is that it will soon be replaced by the 8K resolution that is already coming. I wonder what awaits us in the future, how much more will it all progress. Will, we perhaps from a distance of 10–15 years at 4K resolution look like now at 640x360 or even lower. We will see how far it all progresses, and we will record until then. More and more mobile phones have great cameras, which can make impressive videos. Basic knowledge of using the phone is enough and recording can begin. As the resolution increases, so does the space required to store the data, so these boundaries also shift. From 4 gigabytes of space, over 8, 16, today we come to the fact that some golden mean is 128 gigabytes for data storage, in this case, videos that we make with our mobile phone. There are several sites on the Internet where you can post videos. By chance search, I came across a one really great one. it is a site of a name that is easy to remember and to which I gladly return. Rapid tube is the name of a site that quickly won me over. Quick and easy to use fast image readings. Supports a lot of resolution and for the use of pure ten. The same goes for the look of the site. Rapid tube is the name of a site that quickly won me over. Quick and easy to use fast image readings. Supports a lot of resolution and for the use of pure ten. The same goes for the look of the site. Rapid tube has two modes, more precisely it looks, plain white and night mode, which I like to use when I browse the videos on that site in the evening. I personally created a profile and use the site from time to time and upload my videos to it. Everything is easy and simple to use. I only have recommendations and words of praise for the site. Whoever wants can see for himself. A large number of categories will make your search much easier. There are special films and animations, music, pets and animals. It is easy to find videos from the world of sports, travel and fashion, as well as the increasingly popular gaming. For those who are interested in politics, vehicles and similar things — no problem and there are categories for that. With one click, you can find videos that are in trend, the most-watched videos as well as the most popular channels of people who post really great videos on this site. If you watched a video, then you forgot and you can’t remember its name. No problem, the special History section remembers all the recordings you watched or the ones you want to stay there. All in all a fantastic site. All praise and recommendations. Visit Rapid Tube and see for your self.

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